Unveiling the ISKNV menace: Disease outbreak investigations in the Oscar fish (Astronotus ocellatus) farms of Kerala, India


  • Nithianantham Sundar Raj Centre for Peninsular Aquatic Genetic Resources, ICAR - National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, CMFRI Campus, Kochi, Kerala
  • Arun Sudhagar Centre for Peninsular Aquatic Genetic Resources, ICAR - National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, CMFRI Campus, Kochi, Kerala
  • Thangaraj Raja Swaminathan Centre for Peninsular Aquatic Genetic Resources, ICAR - National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, CMFRI Campus, Kochi, Kerala
  • Sowmya Pazhur Mohandas Centre for Peninsular Aquatic Genetic Resources, ICAR - National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, CMFRI Campus, Kochi, Kerala
  • Neeraj Sood ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
  • Pravata Kumar Pradhan ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh
  • Valaparambil Saidmuhammed Basheer Centre for Peninsular Aquatic Genetic Resources, ICAR - National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, CMFRI Campus, Kochi, Kerala
  • Uttam Kumar Sarkar ICAR-National Bureau of Fish Genetic Resources, Lucknow, Uttar Pradesh




Ornamental fish culture, aquarium trade, ISKNV, virus, megalocytivirus, Oscar fish, <i>Astronotus ocellatus</i>


This manuscript investigates a mass mortality event that occurred among Oscar fish (Astronotus ocellatus) in two ornamental fish farms in Kerala, India. The affected fish displayed various clinical signs, including abnormal swimming behaviour, lethargy, damaged fins, and skin haemorrhages. Electron microscopy analysis revealed polygonal viral particles (121±9.2 x 113±11.1 nm) in the spleen, indicating a viral cause. The A. ocellatus fin (AOF) cells inoculated with the infected tissue homogenate exhibited a cytopathic effect. Furthermore, PCR analysis confirmed the presence of infectious spleen and kidney necrosis virus (ISKNV) infection in the affected fish. This study sheds light on the cause of mass mortality events in cultured Oscar fish and emphasizes the need for preventive measures to control the spread of infectious viral agents in aquaculture systems. It also suggests that ISKNV may have a broader impact on ornamental fish farms in Kerala, requiring urgent mitigation measures in the region's aquaculture industry.


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How to Cite

Raj, N. S., Sudhagar, A., Raja Swaminathan, T., Pazhur Mohandas, S., Sood, N., Pradhan, P. K., … Sarkar, U. K. (2024). Unveiling the ISKNV menace: Disease outbreak investigations in the Oscar fish (<i>Astronotus ocellatus</i>) farms of Kerala, India. JOURNAL OF AQUACULTURE, 33(1), 79–93. https://doi.org/10.61885/joa.v33.2024.302



Research Article


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